Amel Brahim-Djelloul between Passion and Orient

at Brussels and Francheville

Amel Brahim-Djelloul will sing again in the show the 1001 moons of Princess Boudour, almost at home, since it is during the Festival In Voce Veritas at Francheville (near Lyon - France) - with Nicolas Jouve (piano) and Aymeric Lecerf (actor - taleteller), for the opening night on Friday 23 March 2018.

This show, produced by RSB artists and with Nathalie Perrier's lights offers the discovery of the tale Qamar - al Zâman and Princess Boudour, from the collection The Thousand and One Nights. This wonderful tale is the story of an exceptional love between two identical and complementary beings. Qamar is prince, son of the king of the country where the sun sets. Boudour is princess, daughter of the king of China, where the sun rises. The whole earth separates them. Logically, they should never meet but extraordinary intervention will change their destiny: two jinns fall under the spell of the prince and the princess. They put them in the same bed one evening to compare their beauty, wake them up one by one so that they see each other, then put them to sleep and separate them again. One look was enough to ignite the two hearts. The prince and the princess are mad with love, consumed by passion, each one is inhabited only by the thought of the other. They will then travel the earth to meet. Their love will triumph over the traps of the destiny.

The reading is punctuated musically by the interpretation of melodies drawing their inspiration from the Maghreb, Orient whether collected and arranged by Salvador-Daniel or written by Félicien David, Georges Hüe, Camille Saint-Saëns and Henri Duparc.

Amel Brahim-Djelloul will then fly (probably in carpets) to Brussels, this time for another Passion of Orient: The Adonis Passion  (Zad Moultaka). The latter was inspired by the poetry of the famous Syrian poet Adonis (86 years), an almost ritual and meditative representation, which unites language and music. Moultaka made a recording of Adonis reading an excerpt from his collection Al Kitab (The Book). Although written 20 years ago, these poems still reflect the violent news of the Middle East. In the powerful and melodious reading of Adonis, Moultaka found the theme of his composition - a journey into darkness, an oratorio for a devastated Syria. On stage, Amel Brahim-Djelloul and a trio of musicians enter into dialogue with the voice of Adonis.

In March, Amel Brahim-Djelloul will once again be the link between East and West.


The 1001 moons of Princess Boudour, Tale & Mélodies of the 1001 nights

Iris - Francheville (Festival In Voce Veritas)

Friday 23 Mars 2018 at 20:30


La Passion d'Adonis, Z. Moultaka

Bozar (Brussels)

Saturday 24 March 2018 at 20:00