The White Rose appoints a young german resistance movement against the Nazi terror. In Munich, Hans and Sophie Scholl dared to write against Hitler, to distribute leaflets, to claim the power of critical thinking against the passive and murderous brainwashing...
In 2013, this opera composed by Udo Zimmermann (born in 1943) impressed in Nantes with poetry emerging from this heartbreaking huis clos.
Opera Magazine was enthusiastic saying that the two singers impressed by their youth and physical credibility, their emotional commitment without fail, their technical skills and saying that Elizabeth Bailey succeeded in articulate her text even for perilous high-pitched note.
The same artists will interpret this artwork again, in Nancy. British soprano Elizabeth Bailey will bring back to life Sophie Scholl with all her poignancy. She will be accompanied by Armando Noguera (Hans Scholl) under Nicolas Farine's baton.
Finalist and Laureate of many international competitions (Operalia 2009, Reine Elisabeth 2008, Genève, Toulouse, Mâcon, Marmande), soprano Elizabeth Bailey will perform in Le Nozze di Figaro at Staatstheater Kassel (Allemagne). In her repertoire, we can notice various major roles such as Elvira (L'Italiana in Algeri) or the Queen of the Night (Die Zauberflöte) performed on stages of the most prestigious theaters like Glyndebourne, the Opéra de Lausanne, Angers-Nantes Opéra, the Opéra Royal de Wallonie and King's Place in London.
La Rose Blanche, Udo Zimmermann
Théâtre de la Manufacture
from May 31st to June 3rd 2016