As we annouced in the latest newsletter, Emiliano Gonzalez Toro is back to play the role of the old childminder Lenia in Eliogabalo (F. Cavalli). He has been on stage since last thursday and we can hear him until october, 26th. After Paris Opera in 2016, this production is proposed at the National Opera & Ballet of Amsterdam with the Cappella Mediterranea ensemble, directed by Leonardo García Alarcón. The staging is ensured by Thomas Jolly.
In Paris, at the Cercle de l'Union Interalliée, Kévin Amiel sings the tenor solo part in Les Saisons (Haydn) on october, 17th at 8pm with the Choir and Orchestra "Le Palais Royal" (dir. Jean-Philippe Sarcos).
Finally, Thomas Dolié will be in Montreal (Bourgie hall) to sing a "Mozart" recital accompanied by the pianist Olivier Godin. It will take place on october, 22nd at 2pm. Thereafter, he will play Thésée role in Phèdre, a lyric tragedy from Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, at Reims Opéra on november, 10th at 8.30pm.